View Full Version : The Ultimate VAWT Project

Paul Lieb
21st December 2009, 09:27
I would like everyone to work together to come up with an economically viable VAWT that can be put on telephone poles. And it must be quiet and safe to wildlife.

I believe it must be able to produce at low and high wind speeds (take advantage of the Savonius and Darrieus concepts) and I'll start it off with a conceptual deign.

If this worked (it doesn't) it would have been the first VAWT I know of that used low and high wind speeds to generate power. My prototype sputtered, was noisy and never did go from a Savonius to a Darrieus mode. But there may be a way to do it by adjusting the shape of the blades and the linkage. I am not an engineer I just draw crazy shit up and hope it works. I will try to be the middle man (moderator) and draw up anything that sounds like it will get us closer to the goal.


Jet wings are now all bent up on the ends for some reason.


I am no lawyer but I believe that once anything is made public it is not patentable.
Please help if you can for the sake of GREEN (I don't mean money).

Stewart Corman
23rd December 2009, 14:34
I would like everyone to work together to come up with an economically viable VAWT that can be put on telephone poles. And it must be quiet and safe to wildlife.

I know it's the holiday spirit, but what are you smok'n?
or is it snark hunting season already??

Stew Corman from sunny Endicott

Paul Lieb
23rd December 2009, 17:37
I know it's the holiday spirit, but what are you smok'n?
or is it snark hunting season already??

Stew Corman from sunny Endicott

Your a Genius! Or Not!

Snark wings instead of blades?

Wings have 3 major bones....the opposing wings could share a pair of bones.

And if it looked like a Bird of Prey the little birdies will stay away!

I liked PAULVAWT but we could call it SNARKVAWT!

A small glass of TEQUILA a day keeps the Paradigm away!