View Full Version : Wind Powered Water Condenser

Joe Blake
7th March 2007, 05:33

Spotted this on the ABC TV website. Looks interesting, but there seems to be doubts about its worth.

I'll keep an eye on it perhaps.


Mark Parsons
8th March 2007, 13:07
Hi Joe,

The concept seems straightforward enough. Should be doable. Wind driven refrigerative condensation. I'm sure someone is already doing this.

I have a problem with this statement allegedly made by the inventor:
"He says there is a huge amount of water in the atmosphere that is replaced every few hours."

Huge amount of water as vapour in our atmosphere - certainly. All the water vapour in our atmosphere is replaced every few hours???:confused: I assume he means that the small amount we would condense out is replaced in a few hours.

Of course, condensing water from the atmosphere requires local atmosphere with a high enough relative humidity creating a dew point above 0 degrees C.
