View Full Version : Solar and Wind

Paul Bailey
6th February 2007, 19:16
Maybe someday our politicians will see some daylight and get moving on this as Germany is. The 5 meg turbine and Solar Bavaria..:)

Rob Beckers
6th February 2007, 21:11
All I can say is "Wow"!! :eek:


Wilco Vercoelen
6th February 2007, 21:52
I think the difference between the Europeans and the North Americans are their mentality and their way of thinking, but there are exemptions like California etc.
Europeans appreciate little improvements and realize that it helps no matter how small, were North Americans like the ‘all or nothing’ scenario. Europeans are moving slowly, but in the right direction, were much of North America is waiting for a Technological break-through. A couple of days ago PM Harper said in relationship to Kyoto…”we can’t tell people not to drive a car or not heat their homes anymore”…This sentence clearly demonstrates to me ‘again’ that he doesn’t understand Climate Change and not able to solve it. Anyway, a year is lost again and your graphs Mr. Harper, are telling it precisely, we cannot meet because you are wasting time!