View Full Version : hybrid back-up

Tony Norris
26th December 2007, 20:13
just interested to know if it is possible to link wind, solar, and a back-up 12 volt generator I have made using a car alternator together as a powering system to ensure that my battery bank can fully charge in the case of no sun / wind. To do it safely, in theory it seems do able because of the built in voltage regulator.I want to know how to wire it in as an auxilary. I built the generator as a back -up plan before the wind and solar, just want to make sure nothing gets roasted, and toasted. need an opinion from someone who has done it, will do it, or does it.

Mark Parsons
27th December 2007, 14:41
Greetings Tony,

Do you have a charge controller controlling your battery charge? If your car alternator (back-up) produces less current than the charge controller capacity just wire it in to the charge controller input. If you are sure that the car alternator has a built-in regulator then you may be able to just wire direct to the battery bank.

I have solar, wind, and microhydro tied into my Xantrex C40 charge controller. Until I invest in a permanent back up power supply, for now I plug in a 40 amp commercial battery charger to my gas generator and clamp the terminals in parallel to the Xantrex output directly on the battery bank main lugs. Other than the de-sulfation pulse output from the commercial battery charger bothers the C40 LCD display, all seems OK so far.


Tony Norris
28th December 2007, 19:42
thanks for the info, it will help, still have lots of questions,always a process not a destination.