View Full Version : Found at the port of Beaumont Texas

Vernon Ruark
14th December 2006, 20:34
I found these interesting , dont know where they came from or where thier going, but they came into the port of Beaumont on a ship and more come every day, would like to be the sales rep on this project.
have fun be safe

Rob Beckers
15th December 2006, 07:48
Hi Vernon,

None of your poll choices appeal to me. I find large wind turbines very pleasing to look at, especially the large ones since they turn so slowly tend to look almost hypnotic. That's me though, being Dutch I've seen windmills of one variety or another all my life (there are some nice 17th century ones still around). Wind turbines for electricity are everywhere in The Netherlands, in all sizes. My guess is it has to do with what you grow up with: Despite living in North America for 13 years now I still find the sight of all those poles and wires strung along and across the streets everywhere butt ugly. I bet the locals don't even see them, and don't give it a second thought.


Vernon Ruark
15th December 2006, 10:59
I Guess I Should Have Added Another Choice Like
Thier Cool I Like Them
Im A First Time User Getting The Hang Of It,
We Dont Have A Lot Of Wind Power Here, It's A Low Wind Area, My Pole Questions Were Based On What The Sierra Club Has To Say About Wind Farms,
Personally I Think Its Great, One Wing Taking Up An Entire Flatcar Is Really Cool,something Has To Give Why Should We Depend Upon Fossil Fuel When In Some Areas Wind Power Is Available, Constant And Free

Dennis Donohue
16th December 2006, 14:39
A poll with these choices has a "do you still beat your wife" tone to it. How about "Much better than a coal plant smokestack?"

Jeff Pritchard
17th December 2006, 11:16
Hi Vernon,

Despite living in North America for 13 years now I still find the sight of all those poles and wires strung along and across the streets everywhere butt ugly. I bet the locals don't even see them, and don't give it a second thought.


Ahmen brother! Frankly, my backside is not much to look at, but to call the darn wires butt ugly does my backside a disservice.

I'm not a violent person by nature, but I would personally strangle the last breath out of whatever politician(s) allowed phone and power transmission lines to be strung through out our national parks.

I hope I live to see the day when all power is generated locally, and all the power lines in the world have been taken down to scrounge the wire.


Mel Jones
25th December 2006, 10:29
I've seen these before being hauled north on I-45 between Houston and Dallas and at a facility just south of the Red River on I-35. Boss works out of San Antone and has seen them heading west on I-10.
The wind farms I've seen along I-20 west of Abilene are quite impressive regardless of some of the locals attitudes. I'd bet that would change if they were on their property and getting the lease $$$,$$$.cc. Funny how that happens when some folks see others getting easy money.
The news footage I saw showed the rancher's property with an AeroMotor which I guess is Ok but the wind turbines on the plateau in the distance are an eyesore and cause health problems. Give me a break.
I see plenty of the water mills that don't even have a sucker rod/pipe/well and are just there as decorations like the minis you can get at TSC for lawn ornaments. Wish I could find a used one to water the garden instead of paying for electricity to run the pump.
