View Full Version : Recording Anemometer

James Jarrett
7th December 2006, 19:58
I live in NC, and everyone says that unless you are at the coast, or in the mountains, there is just not enough wind to pay in NC.

Well, I'm not sure I believe that. Where I live is the highest point for several miles, and I live at the "top" of a bit of a valley.

The wind blows 4 days out of 5 and I believe blows strong enough for marginal wind power 1 day out of 3 and for SERIOUS wind power about 1 day out of 7.

I have owned this property for 10 years and have lived on it for one, and I *THINK* I am right, but I'd like to *PROVE* I am right.

Does anyone know where I get my hands on a recording anemometer for say 6-7 months? All the ones I have been able to find either have pretty poor recording ability, or cost the world.



Russell Gum
7th December 2006, 21:11
I would look for wind maps as a start. I think that the DOE site has links to them. The rule of thumb is that you need a wind speed average of 10 mph to have serious wind power potential.

Logan Bryce
8th December 2006, 17:51
Hi James

Even wind maps are not the best because of the micro climate issue with wind. I always recommend installing a anemometer at you site to get the data before you spend any big money. You can find a great inexpensive one here (www.winddatalogger.com).


Pine Ridge Products LLC
1646 East Highwood RD
Belt, MT 59412



Wilco Vercoelen
10th December 2006, 11:09
Check out the data logger at http://www.dommelvalley.ca/productdetails.asp?PID=492

Brian Bruns
10th December 2006, 20:56
I just bought one off E-bay. It is from Inspeed.com and was reasonable. It can be connected to a PC to record max., average, etc. Will find out about the quality soon!

Logan Bryce
10th December 2006, 23:26
Wow, it looks as tho the one Wilco posted was the same as the one I recomended! hmmm, just slightly more costly!

Stewart Corman
30th December 2006, 13:27
I just recently bought the following La Crosse WS3512 from Amazon.com for $115
( their current price doesn't seem quoted right?)
Amazon.com: La Crosse Technology WS-3512U-AL Professional Touch Screen Station: Patio, Lawn & Garden

It isn't the most rugged (all plastic), but comes with a 1 year warranty
With two alkaline C batteries lasting 6 mo, if works wireless for up to 300+ feet (which is about how far my installation is).
Can download data to PC via serial com port (haven't tried it yet).
I stuck mine on an aluminum pole up 28 feet.
Also records direction

minimal cost and you could resell it after the year?

Stew Corman from sunny Endicott